Amy presenting

See also Tables and  Searching

Tables are viewed using GEDCOM ⟶ 5 Tables

 Right Click to view the context menu.
 Double Click on the selected row to edit.
 Change the displayed columns using Right Click ⟶ Change Displayed Columns

 Resize the columns by holding the mouse over the edge of the header column and dragging
The cursor will change to a ↔

Resize the table columns with the mouse

 To change the size of a portrait, Right Click ⟶ Change Image Size

Search for Individuals using free text
Clear search text - (display all rows).
Previous, Next page of search results.
Reduce or increase the number of rows per page.
View World matches
Chart Menu.
View maps
Add person or relationship.
Edit the person.
View the tools menu.

 Use the Mouse scrollwheel to move the selected row up or down.
 Move the windows around by dragging on the title bar.
- If the title bar is not visible move the window by holding down Shift and dragging on the background.
 View the window manager using