Amy presenting

Run the report generator with Reports ⟶ Report Script Editor

The report library is based on JavaScript and HTML for maximum flexibility.
Select an example report from the library using

By default all persons are included in the report,
Add a search filter to restrict the persons / families included in the report
Add a search filter
Clear the search filter
The search filter will only include persons shown in the paged table.
In this example we use the search filter "@portrait sitch" and to filter on persons who have a portrait and the name 'sitch'
See also Searching

Show the report in a new window
Show the report in a new web browser tab

The generated report shows only those persons in the current filter (in this example, persons with the name 'sitch' who have a portrait.)

views the list of report variables which may be included in the report.

views the report macros (shortcuts).

 The macro HR adds a horizontal line in the report.

Save the report script to a text file
Load a report script from a text file